beck Family!
Another great week in the books of missionary life. So this last week was pretty sweet. Yesterday in sacrament meeting i got to confirm B a member of the church. It was another great experience. I feel like every time to confirm someone or give someone a blessing is a really cool experience, espescially when you are speaking in a new language. Cause it is a time when God just speaks through you in a language that is now your own, and words just come out. Its awesome. It was really cool. this last week we had 13 member present lessons and found 6 news. Those numbers are ok, but this week we are going to smash them. We picked up 2 different investigartos that both came to church yesterday and who both had great experiences. They have both accpeted bap dates for the 27th. They can make it, we are just going to keep working with them.
Me and elder N gave a 1 hour training in our zone conference this last week. We gave a training on how to turn investigators into progressing investigators. I talked a lot about following up on commitments and daily contact. this was the analogy i used for why we need daily contact. I told everybody think of your pre mission life, and now think of a boyfirend or girlfriend that you had. Think about how much you talked to them. If it was a good relation ship, werent you talking to that person every day? didnt you atleast call or txt, if not see each other every single day? did that help you 2 progress?
When i posed this analogy, literally everybody, elders and sisters were just like, oh my goodness that is so right. Literally, it was true doctrine. And everybody understood what i was getting at. we gotta contact our investigators every single day if we want them to progress. It was a good training, i really like giving trainings, i dont really get that nervous anymore, i really like getting up there and doing it.
anyways, it was a great week. Thanks for all of the b-day wishes, much appreciated. And i love the watch, for real, that thing should should get me on the front of GQ, i love it. Thanks family!
Beck out,
Elder Beck
My Comp. is the best! |
And check out this sweet jersey! |
Yup, that's my cake! |
That's one sweet missionary |
Yup 20! |
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