Beck Family!
How is it going. Guess what, today isnt a holiday so i actually get to send a real letter. This last week has been awesome. It was the last week of the transfer, so we worked out tails off, because the odds are that i was leaving. And it is true, i got the phone call 2 nights ago, it is my time to leave Compton. I have been here for 4 transfers, that is 6 months, or 1/4 of my whole mission. That is a long time. And i feel so lucky that i got all of that time out here in the hood. It is weird, but Compton has really become my home. I love it here, i feel like i really know this city. it is crazy here, and I would have to think really hard about coming back to visit this place without a name tag on, but while being a missionary, i cant think of a better place. Love it here, but like i said, it is my time to go. I am now headed up to Whittier, which is none in the mission as the black whole where people go to die. Whittier is the farthest place out in the mission. Which really isnt that far out cause our mission is tiny, but still, for us it is out in the boonies. It is gonna be so cool, i hear that it is super hot up there, so i am glad that i am doing my Whitter tour in the winter. I have also been called as a district leader up there. There will be 11 Elders in my district. If you dont know all about how missions are organized, its not to complicated. As the district leader i will do the weekly trainings, get to go on exhanges with everybody, hear out everybodys problems, try to serve everybody and keep people happy, and most importantly lead by example. I am pretty excited for it, i think it is going to be a great time. Yesterday we had a baptism. We baptized a kid named E***. He is E*** best friend. E*** is our recent convert who we baptized a little over a month ago. And he immediatley wanted to share the gospel with his friends, so he brought us to E*** and told us to baptize him. That is exatly what we did. That is how member missionary work gets stuff done. He is super funny, and has the same sense of humor as Hyrum. I feel like the 2 would get in a lot of trouble together in church if they sat next to each other. Anyways, it has been a super good week, even if right now i am really sad to leave Compton. Still, i trust in the Lord, and i know that he is going to put me where he needs me. Thanks for everything you do family, love ya'll.
Beck out,
Elder Beck
all 18 missionaries in their district |
baptism are the happy |
this is where you get your locks cut! |
one of their companions came back to visit
I love reading Elder Beck's blog. My son had been serving in the Long Beach Spanish speaking mission for just a few months now. He is the elder in the front and center with the purple tie on in the district picture you posted-Elder Taylor from Cincinnati, OH. I am so proud of our boys!