Friday, January 24, 2014

We got to go the LA temple again!

Beck Family!

My goodness it has been a while. Again, i am emailing ya'll on a tuesday because today was out temple trip! we went to the LA temple again, which is still massivley awesome, and the whole expereience was as great as ever. We Did the 7am session, which means that we have to wake up at 4am to get ready and to drive there in time. Traffic is crazy here in california, like nothing i have ever seen. But it was still worth it. This last week we started teaching a new family that actually was refered to us by a member that lives in arizona. she called us up after somehow getting out number and asked us if we would give her dieing grandma a blessing. We did that last week, and this week we have continued to visit them, and we always share some spiritual message with them. Since we gave her the blessing the grandma has been awake and talkative with all of her grandchildren that have come to visit her. She is still probably near the end, but they all recognize it as a blessing to see her be her regular self for all of her kids to remember her as. So that has been a cool experience that we will keep working with. We had a good teaching week this last week, and were able to find a couple new people. Me and elder H get along great, we are just tearing it up together. We made home made pico de gallo this last week, and we made it spicy. Like almost so spicy it isnt fun, but still we went through all the trouble of making it that we keep eating it. I am getting tough again with the spicy things. Score 1 for elder Beck. But other than that it has been a pretty standard week, we biked a ton, and we talked to lots of people, and we have been finding more people to teach, and how can you complain when you got all of that going for you. Thanks for everything family, good to hear that things are good bback home. Love ya'll.


View towards downtown.  HOLLYWOOD sign back left

What an Elder

Again, what is there to say?
Beck out,

Elder Beck

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